Hey you! 🤗
First of all, thanks for buying from The Basic Page. You deserve all the love and I hope you really enjoy your new design!

This is a guide with the instructions to install your theme. Feel free to contact me if you have any question or problem during the installation. I will be glad to help you!

So, here we go!
1. Go to the THEME section of your blog dashboard.

2. Click on the arrow near the 'Customize' button.
3. Click on BACKUP.
4. Click on DOWNLOAD and save a copy of the theme you are currently using on your blog.
5. After saving your backup, click on the arrow again and this time click on RESTORE.
6. Click on UPLOAD and select your new theme file to upload it.

It is the one called KOLM v1.1 (theme).

(You don't need to open the file, just upload it.)

Congrats! You have uploaded your new theme.

Now it is time to set up the gadgets. In order to do that, go to the LAYOUT section of your blog dashboard.

At your blog's dashboard LAYOUT section you find all the gadgets. You can modify all the titles and hide the gadgets you don't want to use on your blog.
Let's start with the social media icons.

Available icons:
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Youtube, Bloglovin', Email, Spotify and RSS feed.
1. Find the SOCIAL ICONS gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. Type the name and URL of the icon you want to add.

Make sure that there is http:// or https:// before the URL, otherwise the link won't work.

3. Add the icon by clicking on Add Link.

4. Repeat the same process for each icon you want to add.
In order to use the email icon:

Start with the icon name and in the URL type mailto: before your email address. Like that:


Replace hello@thebasicpage.com with your own email and add the link.
5. Click on the SAVE button when you are done adding the icons.
This gadget is the one that allows you to put links in the top bar.

1. Find the PAGES gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.

2. Decide which links you want to show in the top bar of your blog.
- If you want to show a link to a page you have created on Blogger itself, just select the page(s) you want to show in the top bar.

- If you want to show links that aren't static pages on your blog, click on + Add external link.

In PAGE TITLE you put the name you want to give to the link (which will appear on the top bar).

And in WEB ADDRESS (URL) you insert the link address.

Click on SAVE LINK when you are done.

You can add more links by repeating the same process.

3. Click on SAVE when you are done with the Pages gadget.

And attention with the number of links you decide to add. If it is too many, your blog design may look messy in some screen sizes.
You can have one dropdown menu for links at the top bar of your blog.

1. Find the DROPDOWN MENU gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. The title is going to show up in the top bar of your blog. Type what you want the menu to be called.

3. Add the links you want to have inside the menu.
4. Save the gadget when you are done.
In order to show a post on the slider, you need to label it with slider.
In case the slider does not seem to be working:

- Make sure your blog is not set to private.
(Settings > Permissions > Reader access)

- Make sure you have posts labeled under slider all in lowercase letters.

- Make sure your blog feed is set to "Full" or "Until Jump Break".
(Settings > Site feed > Allow blog feed)

When it comes to the Popular Posts, you can change the title of the gadget. And if the gadget doesn't seem to be working, try changing the 'most viewed' option.
In order to make the Youtube gadget work, you will need to get your YouTube Channel ID. How to:

1. Go to youtube.com/account_advanced.

2. Copy your YouTube Channel ID.
3. Now go to the LAYOUT section of your blog dashboard, find the YOUTUBE gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
4. Delete what is inside the content block and paste your own channel ID.
5. Save the gadget.
1. Find the TWITTER gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. In the content area of the widget, delete what is written and type your own Twitter username.
3. Save the gadget.
1. Find the FOLLOW BY EMAIL gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. Change the title if you'd like.
3. Click on the save button.
1. Find the PINTEREST gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. In the content area of the widget, delete what is written and enter your own Pinterest username.
3. Save the gadget.
1. Find the INSTAGRAM gadget and click on the pencil to edit it.
2. In the content area of the widget, replace 'instagram' with your Instagram username.
3. Save the gadget.
In order to set up a contact form on a contact page:

1. Go to the PAGES section.

2. Click on the + NEW PAGE button to create a new page.
3. Write the page title. It can be whatever you'd like.

4. Click on the pencil.

5. Click on HTML view.

6. Delete any text that may appear in the code area, it has to be blank.
7. Copy the following code.
8. Paste the code in the HTML area.

9. Publish the page.
1. Go to SETTINGS section of your blog dashboard.

2. Scroll down till you find the HTTPS section.

3. Make sure that both HTTPS availability and HTTPS redirect are on.
That's it!
Well, it was a pleasure guiding you! If you have had any problem or question, feel free to contact me via email at: hello@thebasicpage.com

The Basic Page

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